2023-06-01 11:25:59

8 Key Points of Summer Cultivation of Edible Fungi

1. Select strain
Appropriate cultivars and varieties should be selected according to the local climate characteristics. Aged or polluted strains should not be used. Robust, high-quality, and disease-resistant strains should be selected.
2. Fine management
Pay attention to the hygiene of raw materials, bacteria bags and tools. Waste should not be piled up near the cultivation room, and must be composted at high temperature before use. The new and old bacteria bags in the cultivation room must be stored in separate rooms and must not be mixed to achieve strict sterilization and disinfection to prevent inoculation infection and various secondary infections. After picking mushrooms each time, the mushroom roots, rotten mushrooms and fallen mushroom bodies on the cultivation material should be removed, and the mushroom house should be cleaned in time and re-sterilized.
3. Scientific breeding
For different types of edible fungi, the temperature, humidity, light and pH value of the cultivation room should be scientifically regulated according to their requirements for growth and development conditions. And proper ventilation is required to promote the healthy growth of mycelium and prevent the adverse environment of high temperature and high humidity. Strict control must be exercised in all aspects of strain selection, compost ratio, stacking fermentation, inoculation and mushroom production management, to cultivate robust mycelium and fruiting bodies, and enhance their disease resistance.
4. Fertilization
Spraying peptone and yeast extract solution can make the mushroom body plump and promote moisture change; Spray decomposed human excrement and urine, after spraying, spray with clean water once more; Spray rice vinegar. In the middle and late stages of Pleurotus ostreatus growth, use 300 times the edible rice vinegar solution to spray the mushroom surface. Once a day 1-3 days before harvesting, the yield can generally be increased by 6%, and the color will be whiter; Spraying the leaching solution of the culture material can prolong the peak period of fruiting and make the fruiting body thick; Spraying glucose and calcium carbonate solution can promote the growth of mycelium.
5. Moisture management
Mushroom houses should always be kept well ventilated, and the relative humidity of the air should not exceed 95%. When the natural temperature reaches 16°C, water is poured once in the border, and then water is sprayed once every morning, middle and evening. Spray water as far as possible to the space and the ground, not to the fruiting bodies. In the low temperature season, it is best to spray with warm water that has been exposed to sunlight.
6. Temperature management
The temperature of the mushroom shed is best controlled at 10-18°C. When the temperature is low, prolong the time of direct sunlight during the day and cover the straw curtains tightly at night. When the temperature is high, cover the straw curtains during the day and uncover the straw curtains at night.
7. Ventilation management
When the temperature is high, open the straw curtains for 2-3 hours a day to ventilate, less ventilation in low temperature and windy weather; increase ventilation before and after spraying water in the morning and evening, less ventilation during the differentiation period of mushroom buds, and more ventilation during the growth period of mushroom buds.
8. Light management
During the growth period of mushroom buds, there should be stable scattered light, insist on drying for 1-2 hours every morning and evening, increase direct sunlight in low light, and avoid direct sunlight in the fruiting period.
9. Pest control
Edible fungi themselves have weak resistance to pests and are difficult to control once they occur. The principle of prevention first and comprehensive prevention and control should be adhered to, and the prevention and control goals should be achieved mainly through various methods such as selection of pest-resistant varieties, physical control, biological control, and strengthening cultivation management.

