2023-08-05 11:20:30

How to improve the quality of shiitake mushrooms in later stage?

At the current conventional management level, the oxygen required for the production of shiitake mushrooms is relatively easy to meet, but it is still difficult to supplement the nutrients in the bacteria block and control the external temperature. Only the water content of the bacteria block and the ambient humidity can be significantly changed through artificial regulation.
Therefore, in conventional cultivation and management, in order to make the fruiting body grow normally in the later stage, people always supplement the water content of the bacteria block to the original level and maintain the high humidity environment during fruiting. And we have proved through many years of production practice that the method of reducing the water content of the bacteria block and the environmental humidity can make the fruiting body grow and mature in a relatively unfavorable environment, thereby improving the quality of the shiitake mushroom. Its specific method:
1. Shorten the water soaking time, so that the water content of the bacteria block is about 70% (10% less than the conventional one), take it out and drain it for a while, and then carry out the film management.
2. When a large number of mushroom buds are produced and the diameter of the mushroom cap reaches about 1.5cm, remove the film to make it grow and develop in a natural humidity environment. Do not spray water on cloudy and rainy days, and spray heavy water once a day at 5-6 o'clock in the afternoon on sunny days. The mushroom grows to Pick when seven or eight percent mature. Through this management method, the quality of shiitake mushrooms has been significantly improved.
The quality of shiitake mushrooms with different management methods is significantly different. The improved management method can increase and thicken the mushroom cap, the length of the mushroom stalk is only 1/2-1/3 of the diameter of the mushroom cap, and the meat quality is relatively dense, and the dry product is improved.
The reason is mainly due to the fact that the nutrient transport in the fruit body is fast and the growth and maturity are accelerated in the environment of sufficient water content, high temperature and high humidity, so the meat is loose, the cover is small, thin, and the stalk is long. However, in an environment with low water content, high temperature and low humidity, the nutrient transport in the fruiting body is slowed down, and the time from budding to harvesting of the fruiting body is prolonged, which is conducive to the accumulation of nutrients in the fruiting body, and the quality of the grown mushrooms is better.
